Restated, the problem is to divide an 11 x 11 square into five rectangles so that the ten side lengths are the whole numbers from 1 to 10?
Below is the 11 x 11 square with five rectangles and the ten sides labeled A through J.
To use Excel Solver to find a solution, ten cells of the spreadsheet will be designated as the decision variables. In the attached spreadsheet, these are simply the cells A1 through J1. Solver will change their values until a solution is found.
In rows 3 through 8 are 6 constraints:
Also in Solver, additional constraints are entered:
All values, A through J, are => 1 and <= 10.
All values, A through J, are integers.
All values, A through J, are different.
With these constraints entered, click the Solve button, and one of the solutions is displayed:
More about Solver: