Monday, July 24, 2023

Corporate Mission Statement Created by A.I.


I recently ask Chat GPT to create a mission for an organization. Its response was as good as most organizations' statements (most bland at best):

Mission Statement for [Your Organization]:

"At [Your Organization], we are committed to empowering positive change and making a lasting impact in the lives of individuals and communities. Our mission is to inspire and uplift through innovation, compassion, and collaboration.

By fostering a culture of inclusivity and diversity, we strive to create a safe and nurturing environment where every voice is heard and respected. Through cutting-edge research, thoughtful advocacy, and sustainable practices, we aim to address pressing challenges and contribute to a better, more sustainable world.

Driven by our unwavering dedication to excellence and integrity, we seek to deliver exceptional products/services that enrich lives, inspire creativity, and promote well-being. We cherish our role as responsible global citizens and embrace opportunities to contribute to social progress and environmental stewardship.

Together, with our dedicated team, partners, and stakeholders, we work tirelessly to create meaningful solutions that transcend boundaries and create a positive ripple effect. We are guided by the belief that, through collective efforts, we can create a future where possibilities are endless and where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.

At [Your Organization], our purpose is not just to succeed but to leave a lasting legacy of positive change, shaping a world that reflects our core values and shared vision for a brighter, more compassionate tomorrow."

Note: many years ago, someone created the Dilbert Mission Statement Generator which I found produced a very believable mission statement about 1 in 3 times: Dilbert's Mission Stement Generator - - Where Culture & Technology Collide.

Contributor: ( Portions of this post labeled were written by ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. For more information on language models, visit the OpenAI website. Edited by: J. McMahon

Horoscopes Generated by AI

Update 8/1/2023 - I started a new blog with these horoscopes: Most Reliable Horoscopes.

While today's post isn't very mathematical, we have explored the capabilities of artificial intelligence in prior posts (see Artificial Intelligence label). Enjoy today's horoscope generated by Chat GPT.

Aries (March 21 - April 19):

Today, you may find yourself in a contemplative mood, Aries. Take some time to reflect on your goals and aspirations. It's a good day to plan for the future and set new intentions. Trust your instincts and don't be afraid to take a leap of faith. Your determination will lead you to success.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20):

You might encounter some unexpected social opportunities today, Taurus. Embrace them and step out of your comfort zone. Networking could open doors to new connections and collaborations. Remember to stay true to yourself and don't compromise your values for others' approval.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20):

Your intellectual curiosity is heightened today, Gemini. Engage in stimulating conversations and seek out new knowledge. Your adaptable nature will help you excel in various situations. Just be cautious not to overextend yourself; prioritize self-care.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22):

Emotional connections with loved ones are highlighted today, Cancer. Reach out to family and friends to strengthen your bonds. You may also feel a surge of creativity, so consider expressing yourself through art or writing. Trust your intuition, as it will guide you in making the right decisions.

Leo (July 23 - August 22):

Today, your natural leadership qualities shine bright, Leo. You may find yourself taking charge of a group project or event. Your enthusiasm will inspire others, but remember to listen to their ideas as well. Balance your assertiveness with diplomacy.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22):

Focus on your health and well-being today, Virgo. Engage in physical activities that bring you joy and rejuvenation. It's an excellent time to reassess your routines and make positive changes to your lifestyle. Practice gratitude and mindfulness to enhance your mental clarity.

Libra (September 23 - October 22):

Your diplomatic skills come to the forefront today, Libra. Use your charm and tact to resolve conflicts and promote harmony among those around you. Embrace creativity in your work and explore new ways to enhance your professional life.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21):

Your intuition is heightened today, Scorpio. Trust your gut instincts in decision-making, especially in financial matters. Seek solitude if you need time to recharge emotionally. Meditation or introspection can be particularly beneficial for your inner balance.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21):

You may feel a strong sense of wanderlust today, Sagittarius. If possible, explore new places or engage in activities that broaden your horizons. Learning opportunities abound, so keep an open mind and embrace new experiences.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19):

Today, focus on strengthening your relationships with family and close friends, Capricorn. Your nurturing side will shine through, making others feel cherished and supported. Avoid excessive work demands and prioritize quality time with loved ones.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18):

Your innovative and progressive ideas are well-received today, Aquarius. Embrace your uniqueness and share your insights with others. Collaboration with like-minded individuals may lead to exciting opportunities.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20):

It's a day to tap into your creative energy, Pisces. Engage in artistic pursuits or activities that inspire you. Your sensitivity and compassion will be appreciated by others, making it an excellent time to offer support and lend a listening ear.

Please remember that horoscopes are meant for entertainment purposes only, and it's up to you to determine how much weight you give to astrological predictions.

Contributor: ( Portions of this post labeled were written by ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. For more information on language models, visit the OpenAI website. Edited by: J. McMahon

Monday, July 17, 2023

Optimal Stopping Strategy in Dating - Part 3 (Biology of Love)

This post explores the biology of falling in love as researched by Dr. Helen Fisher. As an anthropologist, she has made a career researching human behavior and the biology of love and attraction. After recently watching her TED presentation from 2008 (Helen Fisher: The brain in love | TED Talk), I thought the subject matter fit with the topic of prior posts from this blog: Optimal Stopping strategy, (suggests using the 37% rule) and Optimal Stopping Strategy in Dating - Part 2 (my son's personal experience).

The part of Dr. Fisher's talk that stood out compared to the optimization posts, was the recognition of the reality of instant attractiveness or love at first site. I suggest viewing the short You Tube video of this TED presentation.

Dr. Fisher has continued with her work by making a personality test to help people find best partners:  Helen Fisher's Personality Test - The Anatomy Of Love.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Exploring the Fascinating World of P-Adic Numbers



Welcome to my math blog, where we embark on an exciting journey into the realm of p-adic numbers! In this post, we will delve into the intriguing properties and applications of p-adic numbers, a concept that adds a whole new dimension to our understanding of number systems.

What are p-adic Numbers? The p-adic numbers are an extension of the familiar real numbers that provide a unique perspective on number theory. Unlike our everyday decimal system, p-adic numbers are based on a different metric called the p-adic metric. Here, "p" is a prime number, such as 2, 3, 5, and so on. While real numbers measure the distance between two points on a line, p-adic numbers measure the divisibility of integers by powers of p.

Key Features and Properties:

  1. Ultrametric Space: The p-adic metric gives rise to an ultrametric space, where the distance between two numbers is determined by their highest common power of p. This unique metric leads to fascinating properties, such as the strong triangle inequality, where the sum of any two sides of a triangle is at least as long as the longest side.
  2. Non-Archimedean Property: Unlike the real numbers, the p-adic numbers do not obey the Archimedean property. This means that in the p-adic world, there are infinitesimal numbers, allowing for a different type of analysis and reasoning.
  3. Infinite Series Convergence: The p-adic numbers challenge our intuition when it comes to convergence of series. In the p-adic realm, a series can converge even if its terms grow larger, as long as the terms eventually stabilize according to the p-adic metric.


  1. Number Theory: p-adic numbers have profound implications in number theory, providing valuable insights into prime numbers, Diophantine equations, and arithmetic progressions. They have been instrumental in proving significant theorems, such as Fermat's Last Theorem and the Riemann Hypothesis.
  2. Algebraic Geometry: The p-adic numbers find applications in algebraic geometry, where they help analyze the behavior of algebraic curves, surfaces, and higher-dimensional varieties. The study of p-adic fields and valuations plays a crucial role in this context.
  3. Physics: Surprisingly, p-adic numbers have also found connections in theoretical physics, particularly in string theory and quantum mechanics. They provide a framework for understanding non-Archimedean aspects of physical phenomena and have implications for the study of p-adic strings and p-adic quantum mechanics.

Conclusion: The world of p-adic numbers offers a fascinating mathematical landscape, challenging our traditional notions of numbers and their behavior. With their intriguing properties and wide-ranging applications in number theory, algebraic geometry, and theoretical physics, p-adic numbers continue to captivate mathematicians and researchers alike.

In our journey through mathematics, exploring the p-adic realm opens new avenues of understanding and allows us to appreciate the beauty and versatility of number systems. So, join me in this adventure as we unravel the mysteries of p-adic numbers and witness their profound impact across various domains of mathematics and beyond.

Contributor: ( Portions of this post labeled were written by ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. For more information on language models, visit the OpenAI website. Edited by: J. McMahon


Monday, July 10, 2023

Unleashing the Power of Math: Unraveling the Mysteries of Dog Math

Introduction: Welcome back, math enthusiasts, to another captivating exploration of the magical world of mathematics! In today's blog post, we embark on a unique adventure where two seemingly unrelated realms collide: dogs and math. Join us as we delve into the captivating intersection of these two fascinating subjects and discover the hidden mathematical wonders behind our furry friends. So, grab your favorite four-legged companion and let's embark on this enlightening journey!

  1. Counting Canines: The Mathematics of Dog Breeds Dog lovers know that the world of dogs is a diverse and mesmerizing one. From Chihuahuas to Great Danes, each breed exhibits distinct physical characteristics and temperaments. But have you ever wondered about the mathematical aspects that underlie these variations? It turns out that genetics and selective breeding play a significant role. Breeders use complex mathematical models to calculate the probabilities of desired traits and ensure the preservation of breed standards. These models involve concepts such as Punnett squares, probability distributions, and statistical analysis to predict the outcomes of specific mating combinations.

  2. Doggy Dimensions: Geometry and Dog Space When we think about dogs, we often imagine their adorable wagging tails, elongated bodies, and the space they occupy. But have you ever considered the mathematical principles that describe their shapes and dimensions? Geometry offers valuable insights into the physical attributes of dogs. For instance, a dog's body can be represented using geometric shapes like cylinders, spheres, or even tori (for breeds with curled tails). Additionally, measurements such as height, length, and weight can be analyzed using geometric formulas to gain a deeper understanding of their proportions and size.
  3. Dog Training: The Mathematics of Learning Training a dog requires patience, dedication, and a strategic approach. Surprisingly, mathematics can offer valuable tools to enhance the training process. Reinforcement learning, a branch of mathematics used in artificial intelligence, can be applied to dog training as well. By using positive reinforcement techniques and understanding the principles of behavioral conditioning, trainers can effectively shape a dog's behavior. Moreover, concepts such as variable reinforcement schedules, learning curves, and decision trees can be employed to optimize training protocols and improve outcomes.

  4. Paws-itively Perfect Patterns: Dog Coat Colors and Genetics
    One of the most captivating features of dogs is their wide array of coat colors and patterns. Did you know that behind those beautiful markings lie mathematical principles of genetics? Through the study of inheritance patterns and genetic variations, mathematicians and geneticists can predict the probability of specific coat colors and patterns appearing in dog offspring. By employing concepts like Punnett squares, Mendelian genetics, and probability theory, researchers can unravel the mysteries of coat color inheritance and assist breeders in achieving desired outcomes.

  5. Dogs and Data: Analyzing Canine Populations Data analysis plays a crucial role in understanding and managing various aspects of our society, and the world of dogs is no exception. By collecting and analyzing data on canine populations, researchers can study trends, identify potential health issues, and make informed decisions about breeding programs. Statistical tools like regression analysis, data visualization, and hypothesis testing enable experts to gain insights into population dynamics, genetic diversity, and the prevalence of specific traits or conditions.

Conclusion: Who would have thought that dogs and math could intertwine in such fascinating ways? From genetics and geometry to behavioral conditioning and data analysis, mathematics provides a lens through which we can appreciate the intricate beauty of our furry companions. By exploring the mathematical aspects of dog breeds, dimensions, training, genetics, and population analysis, we deepen our understanding of both mathematics and the remarkable world of dogs. So, the next time you find yourself contemplating the enigmatic connection between math and canines, remember that even our most beloved four-legged friends can become vessels of mathematical wonder!

The portion of this post was generated by ChatGPT. I search on my own for a few Dog-Number questions:

How many dog breeds are there?

The Kennel Club recognizes 222 breeds: Breeds A to Z | The Kennel Club.

The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes 284 breeds, but this also includes 70 breeds under the category of Foundation Stock Service which may complete but are not eligible for AKC registration: List of Breeds by Group – American Kennel Club (

What is the world's population of Dogs?

900 million - Free-ranging dog - Wikipedia.

Contributor: ( Portions of this post labeled were written by ChatGPT, a language model developed by OpenAI. For more information on language models, visit the OpenAI website. Edited by: J. McMahon

Friday, July 7, 2023

Book Review: The Math Book by Clifford A. Pickover


The Math Book, From Pythagoras to the 57th Dimension, 250 Milestones in the History of Mathematics by Clifford A. Pickover has an easy-to-read format. Each of the 250 entries is just two pages - one page with a description and brief history of the topic and one page with an illustration. The entries are listed chronologically and include famous mathematicians, discoveries, theorems, and conjectures. Topics from geometry, number theory, game theory, paradoxes, computing, set theory and more. In reading the entries, I found I could read several in a sitting or just one or two if I only had a little time. 

Women in Mathematics

(Image: Hypatia by  Jules Maurice Gaspard , public domain) I recently re-read Instant Mathematics (see prior post:

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