Monday, May 1, 2023

The Power of Learning

Image: Iconfinder - Font Awesome on Iconfinder

One of the reasons I started my Math Blog was to get in the practice of writing every day. Some of my recent posts are about my minor contributions to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS),  (see Counting Sheep , New SequenceOEIS) and I came across an example of someone who made a project of submitting a contribution to the OEIS everyday for the entire year of 2021. I'm currently in the process of submitting a new sequence. During the editing phase of the submission, a contributor inserted the Python code to make my proposed sequence. When I clicked on this contributor's profile, I read about his "Year of OEIS." Here is a link to the page listing his contributions: User:Michael S. Branicky/Year of OEIS - OeisWiki. I wanted to share this because it reinforces the fact that if one wants to get better at a skill, practice it every day!

An Open Message to the Blog's Fans in Singapore

(Image:  Free 12 singapore icons - Iconfinder ) This past week, more views of this blog were made from Singapore than other country. To ackn...

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