Sunday, April 26, 2020

Pythagorean Presidential Smarts

So this blog isn't wasn't you are expecting if you "hate" or "love" our president. 144 years ago, James Garfield developed a proof to the Pythagorean Theorem. A few years later, he was elected the 20th President of the United States of America in 1880. 

There are many proofs to the Pythagorean Theorem. Garfield's proof, while similar to some prior proofs, is very concise and easy to understand.

Take any right-angle triangle (ABC) and make a duplicate triangle (A'AC') that is rotated and adjacent to it that you arrange as shown:

Add a line connecting points B and A'.

Now, name the sides of each triangle for the point at its opposite angle. Note, the the length A' = A and C' = C:

Garfield calculated the area of the trapezoid two ways. First, by addition of parts - adding the area of the three triangles is C2/2 + AB/2 + (AB)/2 =  C2/2 + AB

The second way to calculated the area of the trapezoid is the using the formula, base times 1/2 the sum of the two sides, or: (A + B) x 1/2 x (A + B).= A2/2 + B2/2 + AB

Since both calculated areas represent the same, C2/2 + AB = A2/2 + B2/2 + AB

Subtract AB from both sides of the equation and multiply both sides by 2, the result is:

C2 = A2 + B2


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What is your favorite proof? In addition to the original, I like Bhaskara's first and second proofs. There are also two clever proofs called the parallelogram and broken-tiles proofs. There is a proof based on circles and the Inscribed Triangle Theorem of Thales (more to follow):


Women in Mathematics

(Image: Hypatia by  Jules Maurice Gaspard , public domain) I recently re-read Instant Mathematics (see prior post:

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