Tuesday, July 2, 2024

2024 First Half - Most Popular Posts

(Image: https://www.iconfinder.com/deemakdaksina)

Below is a list of the top ten posts from this blog for the first half of 2024:

Estimating Populations by the Capture-Recapture Method

Learn how to estimate the population of wildlife species in a given region.

Introduction to Ethiopian Multiplication

This post gives a method of multiplication for any two numbers by simply halving and doubling the numbers.

Pythagorean Presidential Smarts

U.S. 20th President, James A. Garfield developed a proof of the Pythagorean theorem. Also see:




How Rare is that Dollar?

This post will have you examining serial numbers of currency.

My Favorite Math Websites

The title says it all (please comment if you can recommend others).

The Missing Digit Magic Trick

This is an easy-to-perform magic trick based on math. Review the Magic label for additional magic tricks. https://jamesmacmath.blogspot.com/search/label/Magic

Spirals of Prime Numbers

This pattern of prime numbers is attributed to the mathematician Stanislaw Ulam. Also see: https://jamesmacmath.blogspot.com/2020/10/prime-number-spirals.html

Additional Thoughts on the Collatz Conjecture (or the 3n+1 problem)

One of several conjectures discussed in this blog. Also see:




Even Numbers as the Sum of Two Primes 

Another post about a the famous Goldbach conjecture.

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(Image: https://www.iconfinder.com/search/icons?family=flagikon) This is a short list of famous Hongkonger mathematicians. I invite readers ...

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