| 2, 3, 5, 7, 53, 73, 733, 773, 5333, 7333, 7753, 55333, 75533, 75553, 77773, 733333, 755333, 775553, 7553333, 7555333, 7775533, 7777753, 55555333, 55555553, 77755553, 555553333, 755555533, 773333333, 777555553, 777773333, 777775333, 777775553, 777777773 (list; graph; refs; listen; history; edit; text; internal format) |
| OFFSET | 1,1 | | COMMENTS | The subsequence for primes whose digits are prime and in strictly decreasing order has just six terms: 2 3 5 7 53 73 (see A177061). | | LINKS | | | MATHEMATICA | Select[Prime[Range[3100000]], AllTrue[d = IntegerDigits[#], PrimeQ] && GreaterEqual @@ d &] | | PROG | (Python) from itertools import count, islice, chain, combinations_with_replacement from sympy import isprime def A364831_gen(): # generator of terms yield 2 yield from chain.from_iterable((sorted(s for d in combinations_with_replacement('753', l) if isprime(s:=int(''.join(d)))) for l in count(1))) | | CROSSREFS | | | KEYWORD | nonn,base | | AUTHOR | | | STATUS | approved |
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